Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) for lymphedema

Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) is a treatment for lymphedema that includes a variety of techniques.
The therapy includes Manual Lymphatic Drainage, a technique that stimulates the lymphatic flow and helps your lymphatic system. Complete Decongestive Therapy for lymphedema moves excess lymph and fluid out of the tissues and back to lymph vessels via healthy lymph nodes, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage redirects fluid from congested areas towards the healthy lymphatics.
The therapy has two phases:
Phase 1: Manual Lymphatic Drainage, skin care, inelastic multi-layer bandaging, lymph-reducing exercises and patient education.
Phase 2: compression bandages worn at night, compression clothing, exercise, skin care and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.
A therapy session last 60 minutes.
Therapeutic effects: reduced swelling and fibrosis due to improved flow of fluid in the lymphatic system, improved skeletal muscle pump function.
Lymphedema is tissue swelling caused by an accumulation of protein-rich fluid in various areas of the body. Lymphedema causes chronic inflammation of the accumulated fibrous tissue and requires a detailed medical treatment plan.
Lymphedema clinical features: swelling in arms and/or legs, a feeling of heaviness, a feeling of tightness, restricted range of motion, pain, skin warm to the touch, skin redness.