Shockwave therapy

The results are often felt after just three or four treatments. It is possible to feel improvement (usually pain reduction) after the first treatment. During the treatment there can be an appearance of discomfort, depending on the level of pain the patient already feels in this area. But as the treatment takes only a few minutes, most patients can tolerate it without any problems. In most cases, 3 to 5 treatments need to be performed within an interval of 5-10 days, depending on the evaluation of the therapist.
• new technology with proven medicinal effects
• non-invasive therapeutic method
• energy is transmitted and focused within the body to a depth of 4 to 7 cm
• operates without anesthesia, without drugs and without side effects
• leads to reduced sensitivity of pain receptors
• increases local circulation, neovascularization and accelerates the healing process
• increases neovascular growth
• suppresses inflammation
• stimulates collagen formation and dissolution of calcification
• Is used in rehabilitation, orthopedics, sports medicine, rheumatology...
Indikacije za terapiju udarnim valom su:
• liječenje kroničnih poremećaja mišića i tetiva (bolno rame, epikondilitis, bol u doljnjem dijelu leđa, bol u ahilovoj tetivi, patelarni tendinitis,liječenje trigger točaka)
• liječenje kalcifikacija, bolnih egzostoza i usporeno zacjeljivanje lomova
• rehabilitacija smrznutog ramena
• periarthritisa ramenog obruča
• petnog trna
• ahilodinije
• teniskog lakta
• skakačkog koljena